Detox and Rehabilitation Programs

Parham Doctors' Hospital
Treating individuals who are seeking recovery from substance abuse. The program adopts the American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria and treatment principles specific to the partial hospitalization level of care. It is staffed by qualified physicians, nursing staff and certified substance abuse counselors.
Tucker Pavillon
Tucker Pavilion is a safe haven and treatment center for children, teens, adults and seniors who need mental health and substance abuse care. The unit is located in Chippenham Hospital, which ensures a full range of inpatient, outpatient, partial hospitalization and emergency services.
RVA Recovery
RVA Recovery provides services tailored to meet the needs of each individual:
Substance Abuse Evaluations and Individualized Treatment Programs
Individual Programs
Professional Programs
Clinical Supervision
Master Center
Offers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to every individual that we serve by drawing on the expertise of an array of experienced addiction counselors and therapists. Master Center is proud to be the first physician-led practice to hire and fully utilize Peer Recovery Coaches as personal patient helpers, guides, teachers, and care navigators.
City and County Resources

The core service provided at RBHA is case management. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Case Management Services includes assisting individuals with accessing treatment and support for their substance use needs, co-occurring mental health issues, and/or medical needs as well as accessing supports related to employment and housing.
The Community Services Board (CSB) have a mental illness, a drug or alcohol problem, or developmental disabilities and who meet specific criteria. Some of the services we offer include:
Case management
Crisis/emergency services - 24/7 help
Providing treatment services to those suffering from a substance use disorder. We serve individuals over the age of 18 who are affected by a substance use disorder. We recognize that problems associated with alcohol or other drug use effect not only the individual but also the family, the workplace, and the general community.